We Support Children to Reach Their Full Potential

What We Do


— We Foster Independence

“The child looks for his independence first, not because he does not desire to be dependent on the adult.  But because he has in himself some fire, some urge, to do certain things and not other things.” ~ Dr. Maria Montessori.  We need to learn to work with others, but also independently.  Montessori materials allow children to do this.


— We Build Community

Through field trips outside of our walls and bringing guest speakers to us, we will build relationships with the community around us.


— We Volunteer

We learn kindness by helping others.  We will read to preschool children.  We will ask around the community to see if there are things we can do to help in some way and build our community through these experiences.


— We Experience

Learning through experience helps it stick.  Children learn more by going to the store with $5, looking at their list, and deciding what to purchase than by doing a worksheet with the same calculation.  Experiences are important and we want to give the children as many experiences to help them learn as we possibly can.  Learning doesn’t always take place within the walls of a classroom.  It happens all around and all day long.


— We Explore

Dissecting flowers, learning about public transportation, and finding interesting facts about everything!  Children learn when they are able to explore their interests.  We allow them to follow their interests and learn in a way that is best for them.


— We Observe

By observing things around us, we learn that we are part of a bigger picture.  When we observe, we slow down and pay attention to things around us.  We learn how animals move, eat, and play.  We become scientists and take notes on the slightest changes in a growing plant.  Observation is a key to learning.

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